Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Late Entry of 14th Mth Old Javelle

Chking on ah ma.. see if the floor is cleanly sweeped..

Monitor very closely

Javelle likes to help out too..

Feeling hungry after kaypoing..

Yummy.... No words can describe.. hahaa..

Recently, she likes to do her signature "tut tut" mouth..

Learning to drink from cup..

She loves to carry bag.. Little Miss Vain

Javelle has been growing fast.. and learning fast too.. she has started to learn feeding herself using a spoon at 14 mths!! I shall take the video of her doing that next time round..
Recap of words (which are pronounced clearly) that she has learnt till this stage..
- papa (she says that like hundreds time a day)
- mummy (quite surprise she could say mummy.. she started off with ma ma)
- ma (第四声, represent ah ma)
- bird bird
- bag
- baby
- ji ji (she known this as her pacifier)
and we are still trying to figure out more words she is trying to say.. hehee..
and she is exploring more things too..

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