Javelle with ah ma and tai-ma
With ah gong and ah ma
Baby Jiahui
Not in good mood due to having fever
While Javelle is super happy walking and running all around
With daddy and mummy
And again
Just me and her..
So blissful
Another blissful one..
What is Javelle looking at?
Yah.. at this funny cek-gong
Very busy with this Javelle
Getting ready for dinner
Cannot wait already.. Eat white rice first.. hehe..
So cute..
Random Pics
We left a seat for ah gong to join in the reunion dinner..
Every dish will be served to him first.. and my ah ma will finish it after that.. haha..
Ending Speech by my dad..
His absence makes a different...
All of us felt it..
but we kept it to ourselves in silence..
We really do miss you.. very much...
A Reunion Dinner without you..